
Parasite Dreams 2030

The longer I go without writing, the harder it becomes to get back into the practice. A kind of anxiety and a apprehension builds up around the process. I feel it important I write this article, both to correct a post on my own blog from several years ago, and to break through the anxiety that has built up and prevented me from sharing updates. The subject of this article will be Sentimentalcorp, specifically the series Parasite Dreams 2030.

I would sooner not share my old blogpost here. It is irrelevant in 2021, and does not do the Parasite Dreams series justice. I used terms like ‘nihilistic’ and ‘absurdist’ to describe PD, neither of these descriptions feel appropriate in relation to Randy Prozac’s efforts to reflect and lay bare the most grotesque aspects of our age. Nihilism implies a kind of passivity that is not apparent here, absurdist suggests exaggerated or fantastical, PD 2030 resonates to greatly to feel absurd.

Whilst there is some humour, and ‘absurdity’, this is not what makes PD 2030 truly compelling. It is how rooted it feels in reality compared to when I first discovered the series.

As the world itself becomes increasingly bizarre, Prozac no longer needs to imagine the strange and sinister machinations taking place behind the scenes. Rather than CIA laboratories engaged in secretive mind control experiments, we have drag kids and critical race theory which has propelled millions throughout the west into psychopathic violence. It is out in the open, the test subjects are no longer confined to obscure LSD experiments. They haven’t been for a long time, but we’re just coming to realise this. The establishment, through its media arms, has successfully created a self policing populace by means of shame and fear. PD 2030 was created during what feels like the culmination of decades of cultural subversion and the total standardisation of humanity.

Prozac has dealt specifically with the abolition of gender as a biological reality, how this once accepted reality was turned instead into some spectrum of possible identities which can be adopted at will. Whilst I accept gender dysphoria may exist and a small minority of the human species may contend with this, it serves today as an easy means to get a good position on the hierarchy of victimhood. Prozac recognises this and features the intrusion of critical gender theory on the minds of children, likely inspired by ‘drag queen story hour’.

With regards to Covid 19, earlier PD themes come to mind. The idea of controlling human behaviour with colours and symbols, green means go and such, is always bought to mind when I see arrows determining which way I am allowed to talk around shopping centres. Posters which feature a pair of eyes, and a warning message regarding the proper way to cover your face. I have actually seen one of those posters. An atmosphere of anxiety and tension in which people are more inclined to comply, however unreasonable the demand, it feels like a mild experiment in trauma based mind control.

A friend shared a document with me in which a think tank shared ways to coerce and intimidate the population into compliance, the use of the word ‘covidiot’ and describing those who adhere to the rules as ‘heroes’ would not be out of place in the PD universe.

Prozac has a way of ridiculing the West’s sacred cows which feels cathartic to watch, the emperor truly has no clothes here. We have in PD 2030 a hideous world with no instagram filter applied, stupidity and ugliness are tangible realities which feature in the day to day lives which have been created for us. PD 2030 features stupid and ugly people, people who in Clownworld are upheld as brave and beautiful. From the Mother of the drag child to the Marxist academic who fosters in his students an unthinking hatred for Europeans. When one acknowledges this ugliness, it becomes impossible to listen to the radio, to hear chart music without feeling like you’re being exposed to some hideous, brain damaging experiment. We are increasingly resentful of those who consume the products and entertainment made available to us, we recognise them as investing into the ugliness which is explored in PD 2030.

Prozac was an early critic of social media. Initially this felt merely like a matter of principle, an aversion to conformity. As our understanding of social media’s capacity to compromise ones privacy and to damage the users mind, Prozac has been proven right and then some. An early PD sketch features a man bragging about pancakes he made for breakfast on Facebook, he can no longer conceive of making pancakes and not sharing them online. So taken is he by this activity, that security concerns and the addictive potential of the website becomes irrelevant. The normie often boasts that they have nothing to hide, so why should corporate entities not have free reign to harvest data?

A particularly significant sketch in PD 2030 features an assortment of deviants and far left ideologues, a cat man with a ‘front hole’ and topless woman with the head of a man teaching young children. In a world in which the education system keeps in line with the ideals of the state, there is nothing surprising about teachers using their platform to incite fear and resentment around ‘whiteness’. White being a pejorative term for the globalist agent to describe Europeans. In the classroom which features in PD 2030, sexual predators indoctrinate disturbed children into critical theory, it feels increasingly like such a classroom would not be too difficult to find in our own reality.

In a more surreal sketch, a dwarf Ronald McDonald picks a fight on some customers, before taking them into his office as the diner is ‘too white’ for him. His creepy backrooms bring to mind the basement which featured in the Comet Ping Pong scandal.

A favorite character of mine featured in PD and was bought back in PD 2030. A bald man with a bloodied mouth whose chaotic presence disturbs whichever environment he finds himself in. He pours scorn on a poetry recital gathering in the original series, his face a perpetual scowl. It seems irrelevant whether he is ‘good’ or ‘evil’, he is a feature of the world he inhabits, perpetually antagonistic. In PD30 his anger is more precise, targeting a brainwashed open borders advocate at one point.aesthetic

This is a world in which Pornhub owns supermarkets and drones kill dead anybody found to be falling short of social distancing guidelines, robots order consumers around in Spanish. Television news reports show the unnerving repetition of the ‘new normal’, A list celebrities attend pizza parties. All of it feels rooted in the familiar, but taken a few generations down the line. The West under amazon.gov.

More so than earlier incarnations of PD, PD2030 is visually disturbing and features a great deal of sexually explicit imagery. None of it, however, it titillating or erotic. It is instead a reflection of the crass, porno pop sexuality of modern culture. The absence of censorship and compromise on this front only adds to the sense of the underbelly of our age being cut open, the guts on display in all of their wretchedness.

Despite being based outside of Western Europe, Prozac deals explicitly with the grooming scandals of Rotherham and the Midlands. A while before the release of PD30, Prozac released The Things you Learn at Bingo to ‘Systems Death Recording’, a separate, musical project on the sentimental corp website. The mundane pastime, popular with the elderly, provides a backdrop to a sinister exploration of England under globalist rule;

“i take my usual seat at the ladies table
and they are talking about muslim grooming gangs
and how they are in every town and thousands of missing girls
and some of the girls get ground up and put into kebab and served to the public
i don't know anything about that.. but i don't think i'll be having any kebab again
the one lady was saying that the police won't do anything about it
and that some of the police are actually involved in raping the girls too
can you believe it? i didn't realize all those 'teens' and 'youths'
that the news keeps talking about were actually 30 year old muslim men
the things you learn at bingo..”

The expansion of Islam to Western Europe, specifically England features as a theme in PD2030. Again, in scenes which could be called absurd and surreal, were they not firmly rooted in real world travesties.

As we shift away from establishment technology, we would do well to become more discriminatory with regards to the media we consume. More so than ever, it should be easier to discern when a director or writer does not have the interests of ordinary Europeans in mind. In used to be that propaganda was subtle, and cloaked in emotive and entertaining storylines. Now one need not even see a trailer to know the latest Hollywood blockbuster of Netflix series is not worth watching. Whilst there would be no place for PD2030 on any kind of mainstream platform, Prozac’s work certainly does not get the recognition it deserves.

Due to the ‘creepy’ and strange imagery that features in projects like PD2030, the entire thing becomes reduced to an entry in some ‘dark web exploration’ youtube video. The viewer is weirded out, and switches off, presumably as they do not want to sit through something visually unpleasant, but more likely because they’re unaware there’s anything deeper than the surface to invest further time into. Changing the aesthetic of PD would limit its impact, making it more accessible would be a compromise of principles which made the series possible to begin with.

Sentimental corp exists beyond most other ‘alt media’, scattered across fringe and potentially upcoming streaming services. It is a resilient throwback to the old Internet, which has weathered through the censorship and corporate tyranny which has engulfed the mainstream web in almost its entirety. It exists on its own platform, on its own terms, it foresaw what was to come for Social Media and stood firm, not declaring its presence but drawing in a small cult like audience based on its own merit.

I recommend considering watching PD2030 in its entirety, even better, watch the earlier episodes to put them into context and further appreciate the developments made by Prozac. I would also like to apologise for calling Prozac ‘absurdist’ in that article several years ago, as I have come to see the sheer absurdity of the world I live in, and that Prozac was merely acknowledging the state of things in the most unapologetic manner.

Iskalla: 19/01/2021

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