
Aduke, powerful beyond our comprehension. We are clad in fabrics woven from your furs, we drink the cool water of your streams. Your followers are many, we gather on the plains of Doberman and remember our early rites upon the valley of weimaraner. You took everything for reasons we know not, but now we exist to serve your ever expanding hyper consciousness.

Our encampments are places of worship and sacrifice, where we teach living in accord and in line with the dogscape. We teach adherence to the Aduke, who replaced the old world and began it anew. Those who fall foul of the dogscape, we see them consumed by ticks, riddled with fleas, sunk into the dogflesh..

We build with teeth and bones, eating what the dogscape gives forth. Rejecting that which is not of the dogscape. The aquatic life of the old world is not of us. Those who fled, certainly they have wronged themselves. They'll lose their minds in the desolation and nothingness of the vast waters. Nothing beyond..

I know without proper guidance, hierarchy and authority we'd decline. We'd cease to construct, develop and further evolve to adapt to the dogscape. We sacrifice and for a while the dogscape ceases to howl, undulate and struggle to consume us. We feed the dogscape so that it may favour us..

Sacrifices are rarely willing. Luckily bandits, thieves and lowlives thrive here and provide an ample source of offerings. The establishment of the dogcult of Aduke has also contributed to stability among peoples in this region of the dogscape, those who stray from this path make the most powerful of sacrifices..

Some have fled to research ways to destroy the dogscape. None have ever succeeded. The dogscape perseveres and grows. They only anger the terrain in their efforts to dig, sever dog heads and sail into the unknown..

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